Flowing streams in Brădet

Text, pictures and sound by Orsolya Gál

The research period in Brădet was rhythmically composed of moments of rest with maps and books about the area of Întorsura Buzăului, studying the symbolism and ecology of water in general; of walks along the streams, or on the hills around the village looking for springs; and of moments focused on the built environment, accelerated, seen through the prism of a rational thinking, trying to understand how people live today – with water, without water, near water – in Brădet. 

Europe map XVIII century (https://maps.arcanum.com)

During the walks with Emanuela, who guided me in exploring the territory, we met some people of the village, and if we found them happy to talk, we asked questions about the river, springs, wells and the connection to the water network, which brings water from Întorsura Buzăului. This varied pace helped me to have an experience of the place composed of lights and images of the landscape during our walks, dominated in many places by old beech trees that gave the impression that time in the surroundings of the village passes more slowly; the context seems unchanged for many years, superimposed with the perspective of old maps where even the drawing of the river on the map was not identical to today’s and Google map – the current situation from the perspective of satellites. This mosaic of informations and impressions, experiences and discoveries formed the basis of the work presented during the public event organized at the cultural hall (Camin Cultural) in Brădet.

The work is composed of five superimposed drawings on transparent paper, covered by a final layer of black squares that act as doors to stories from the past/life/places discovered in the present, or to personal emotions, inviting the audience to walk with the author through a new map that was born during the residency. The aim of the meeting was to look at the topic of water from different perspectives together with the inhabitants of the village, to have an open discussion where anyone can intervene and talk about the presence of water in the commune through stories presented with the help of maps, bringing back the symbolism of water in a non-explicit way.

The sounds recorded during the research are composed in a way that reflects on a future ritual related to water, a ritual that could happen in the case in which our access to water would be limited. The rhythm that brings these short sound recordings together is the movement of the author, the foot steps that give movement to the water in the bottle, a rhythm that is repeated in the sounds made on metal tubes – a heart beat.


* Orsolya Gál was in residence at Intersecţia as part of FLOWING STREAMS, a program of artistic residencies, curated by Adelina Luft, which took place in 7 rural spaces in Romania to explore the cultural ecology of water at the local level, at the initiative of EUNIC Romania, with the participation of 6 cultural institutes in Romania. Flowing Streams at Intersecţia was suppoted by Fundația9. 

The research was presented on Sunday 4th August, at the Camin Cultural in Brădet, Întorsura Buzăului.